Pive it
Pive it – Increase your sales, while decreasing sales and marketing related costs

Why we do it

Reason one

Getting new clients is hard and costs a lot of money.

Reason two

It’s hard to know which methods you should use to get more clients.

Reason three

And because it’s so expensive a lot of businesses are actually struggling to make break even with every new client – sometimes they even end up losing money. We want to help businesses increase sales AND at the same time decrease their sales and marketing costs.

How we do it

By throwing away any one-size-fits-all solutions. Every business is unique which means that every business has unique problems. We identify your main sales and marketing problems and figure out the best way to solve those problem.


What you get

A detailed and tailor-made sales and marketing plan that will increase sales AND decrease sales and marketing costs. You can execute the plan yourself – or ask us to take care of everything for you.




Do you need help or would you like to get a free consultation?  Email us at sales@piveit.com

Are you in the danger zone?

After helping hundreds of clients, we have learned that most companies – small, medium and large – have the same basic problems and challenges. Let’s look at three of the most common challenges.


Number 1

Challenge: They don’t know what separates them from their competitors

Solution: Just answer three questions:

  1. What is the problem in the market and how do you want to solve it?
  2. How are you solving it in a unique way?
  3. What do your clients receive? Focus on the value.

This is called the Why-how-what formula and it is the number one formula for any business that wants next level success. Incidentally, it’s also something that an absolute majority of our clients struggle with.


Number 2

Challenge: High competition leads to discounts and sales

Solution: Any discounts means lower profits and lowers the perceived value of your products and services. We should avoid them at any cost. Instead, we need to motivate our prices. We do that by using the FBM-formula (Feature-Benefit-Meaning). Let’s take an example:

You’re buying a TV. An HDTV to be precise. HD is the feature. Better screen resolution is the benefit. Better viewing experience is the meaning. People buy the meaning, not the feature. So let’s talk about the benefit and meaning, not the feature.

Number 3

Challenge: Their clients are not loyal and only look for the best price.

Solution: We need to understand who our clients are and what is important to them.

  1. Who are our dream clients?
  2. Where are they?
  3. What are their dreams, wishes, doubts and fears?
  4. How do we attract them?
  5. What result do we want to give them?

If we try to speak with everyone out there, we will not connect with anyone.

Now, if you and your business already know the answers to these questions, then we’ll say congratulations! You are probably running a very successful business with no or little need for help.

However! If you, your team members or employees struggle with these questions – then you might be in trouble. Here’s why: Businesses that don’t develop, will fall behind. That might not happen today, or even tomorrow. But it will happen.

You might not remember, but ten years ago Nokia was the biggest mobile phone company – in the world. But not anymore. And if it can happen to companies like Nokia, why couldn’t it happen to your business?

If you don’t know the answer to these questions, that means that there is nothing stopping your clients from leaving you – and they could leave at any moment!


Small ideas can grow into BIG realities. We’ll help you turn yours into reality.

What we can do for you

The way we help businesses differ from client to client. Some clients have smaller needs. For instance, for some clients, we just make some minor changes to their website copy and increase their website’s speed.

Others might have bigger fish to fry. They might have a big sales team that keeps wasting time on finding leads. Well, then we might automate their whole lead generation to save them hundreds and even thousands of hours every year.

The point is that each business is unique and experiences their own unique problems. Some small, some large. But the end goal is the same for all businesses – to increase sales and make money. The question is how to get there.

Some companies provide you with a big list of services and products, and asks you to choose what you want. That’s not what you are looking for. You want someone that knows what they are doing and that can tell you what you need to do. It’s like going to the doctor’s office and the doctor would ask what medicine you want. You would think he is crazy, not to mention incompetent and walk out the door.

Below this section, you’ll find a small selection of the activities we use to help our clients increase their sales. We have used more than 200 different strategies and tactics so far – and the list just goes on. But we know that in the end of the day, you do not care about this tactic and that tactic. You are running a business – and what you want is to increase sales and decrease costs – not worry about how to get there.

Our Services

A small selection of our services.

Conversion rate optimization



book creation & publication

Email marketing

content marketing


Graphic design

Ebook creation & publication


Social Media Promotion




Audio/Video Editing


Performance analytics

Web design


Sales training

Why you should choose us


We are a smaller organization, which gives us a totally different flexibility – everyone at our company has insight into your business and we have a clear understanding on what is important for you. This is something the big corporations simply cannot match.

Focus on the result

We realise that you and your business aren’t just looking for some new tactics and strategies to implement – you have a purpose. And that purpose is to increase sales while creating insanely satisfied clients.

From beginning to end

We’ll take care of the whole process so you can lean back and focus on the things you do best.

No waiting time

Contact us and we’ll get in touch with you – the very same day!


We understand that you have deadlines. And we understand that emergencies can happen at any time. Therefore, we make sure that work around your schedule, not ours. Speed, without jeopardizing quality.


We know the ins and outs of getting more clients and how to create interest and demand for your companies products and services. We know what the pitfalls are and how to avoid any mistakes. Mistakes that will cost time, energy, money and lost opportunity.

Total availability

We don’t believe in the 9-5 system. We know that our clients need us 24/7/365. With us, you don’t have to wait until Monday morning, just give us a call whenever you need something.


We are a smaller organization with high flexibility and partners in more than 52 countries. Doesn’t matter what you need help with – we can handle it.

Do you need help or would you like to get a free consultation?  Email us at sales@piveit.com

about us


We and the rest of our team come to work every day, because we want to solve the biggest problem businesses face today – how to increase sales. Let us worry about that, so you can focus on what you do best. Contact us now for a free consultation.


Have a project or an idea you’d like to collaborate with us? Or you want to take advantage of our free consultation?